
全新的开始 ;)

对, 我删除了所有之前的post.
什么方法都有试着去恢复 , 但还是失败了 :')
心中真的是亿万个不舍得从Form 1到现在的回忆和照片删除
但我真的无计可施了 T__________________T "

*I've been deleted all of my blog post because occured error of pictures.*

不说伤心事了, 忘了就好!

但是还是摆脱不了做工和补习的日子 /.\
可是还是会和姐妹一起在明天庆祝 (:

I wanted to appreciate those my beloved classmates which 4J class giving me a suprised earlier b'day celebration here!!!
Much of grateful to you all. Really thanks and i will post it in next post (:

Self-timer success and produce a natural pyramid shapeeeeee :p
From the top man and the left to right hand side of below the row of girls  : 
FuatJun . LeeShan . YeeTheng . KahYee. ME . 
 Tracy . KeeMin . Amelia . Shermaine . ShuWen & KaiBin. 

Will be update post soon and to be continue...